Showing 51–100 of 217 results
FORM II – Certificate of Registration
FORM III – Register of Establishments
FORM IV – Application for Licence
FORM IV: [Rule 25(2)] Overtime register for workers [ Inserted vide The Minimum Wages (Central) Rules, 1950 ]
FORM IX – Temporary Certificate of Registration
FORM IX- Form of summons to the opponent to appear before the authority when an application under sub-section (i) of sectin 20 or under section 21 is entertained [ Inserted vide The Minimum Wages (Central) Rules, 1950 ]
FORM IX-A- (Rule 22) Minimum rates of wages fixed [ Inserted vide The Minimum Wages (Central) Rules, 1950 ]
Form J: Conditions of Service, Etc. Pending Proceedings (Rule 60 (1)) [ Inserted vide Industrial Disputes (Central) Rules, 1957 ]
Form K: Discharge, Dismissal, Etc. Pending Proceedings (Rule 60(2)) [ Inserted vide Industrial Disputes (Central) Rules, 1957 ]
Form K1: Recovery of Moneys Due From Employer [Rule 62(1)] [ Inserted vide Industrial Disputes (Central) Rules, 1957 ]
Form K2 : Recovery of Moneys Due from Employer [Rule 62(1)] [ Inserted vide Industrial Disputes (Central) Rules, 1957 ]
Form K3: Recovery of Dues [Rule 62(2)] [ Inserted vide Industrial Disputes (Central) Rules, 1957 ]
Form K4: Recovery of Dues [Rule 62(2)] [ Inserted vide Industrial Disputes (Central) Rules, 1957 ]
Form L: Notice of Strike to be Given by Union / Workmen in Public Utility Service (Rule 71) [ Inserted vide Industrial Disputes (Central) Rules, 1957 ]
Form M-B: Notice of Lock-Out to be Given by an Employer Carrying on A Public Utility Service (Rule 72) [ Inserted vide Industrial Disputes (Central) Rules, 1957 ]
Form N: Report of Strike or Lock-Out in A Public Utility Service (Rule 73) [ Inserted vide Industrial Disputes (Central) Rules, 1957 ]
Form No: 1 (Rule No.12) Memo of Appearance by a Party [ Inserted vide Labor Courts (Practice and Procedure) Rules 1975 ]
Form No: 1 Declaration Form [Regulations 11 and 12] [Inserted vide Employees. State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950 ]
Form No: 10 (Regulation No. 30) Receipt for daily allowance, etc., paid in Court [ Inserted vide The Industrial Court Regulations 1975 ]
Form No: 10 (Rule No. 30) Receipt for daily allowance, etc., paid in Court [ Inserted vide Labor Courts (Practice and Procedure) Rules 1975 ]
Form No: 10 Intermediate Certificate [Regulations 59 and 89B] [Inserted vide Employees. State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950 ]
Form No: 11 (Vide Rule 32) Summons to produce Documents [ Inserted vide Labor Courts (Practice and Procedure) Rules 1975 ]
Form No: 11 Special Intermediate Certificate [Regulations 61 and 89B] [Inserted vide Employees. State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950 ]
Form No: 11 Summons to produce Documents [ Inserted vide The Industrial Court Regulations 1975 ]
Form No: 12 Regulation No. 36
Form No: 12 Sickness or Temporary Disablement Benefit [Regulation 63 read with section 63] [Inserted vide Employees State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950 ]
Form No: 12A Maternity Benefit for Sickness [Regulation 89B] Claim for Benefit [ Inserted vide Employees State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950 ]
Form No: 13 (Regulation No. 9(1)) Register of Affidavits sworn [ Inserted vide The Industrial Court Regulations 1975 ]
Form No: 13 (Rule No. 9(7)) Register of Affidavits sworn [ Inserted vide Labour Courts (Practice and Procedure) Rules 1975 ]
Form No: 13 Sickness or Temporary Disablement or Maternity Benefit for Sickness [Regulations 63 and 89B] Claim for Benefit [ Inserted vide Employees State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950 ]
Form No: 13A Maternity Benefit for Sickness [Regulation 89B] [ Inserted vide Employees State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950 ]
Form No: 14 (Regulation No. 47) Register of Undertaking to be maintained by Investigating Officer [ Inserted vide The Industrial Court Regulations 1975 ]
Form No: 14 (Rule No.55) [ Inserted vide Labour Courts (Practice and Procedure) Rules 1975 ]
Form No: 14 Sickness or Temporary Disablement or Maternity Benefit For Sickness [Regulation 63] Claim for Benefit [ Inserted vide Employees State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950 ]
Form No: 14A Maternity Benefit for Sickness [Regulation 89B] Claim for Benefit [ Inserted vide Employees State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950 ]
Form No: 15 (Regulation No. 55) Notice to appear before Investigating Officer [ Inserted vide The Industrial Court Regulations 1975 ]
Form No: 15 Accident Book [Regulation 66] [ Inserted vide Employees State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950 ]
Form No: 15-A [Under Rule 57(1)] [ Inserted vide Labour Courts (Practice and Procedure) Rules 1975 ]
Form No: 15-B [Under Rule 57(3)] Notice for Publication [ Inserted vide Labour Courts (Practice and Procedure) Rules 1975 ]
Form No: 16 (Regulation No. 63) Notice to produce documents before Investigating Officer [ Inserted vide The Industrial Court Regulations 1975 ]
Form No: 16 (Rule No.60) [ Inserted vide Labour Courts (Practice and Procedure) Rules 1975 ]
Form No: 16 Accident Report from Employer [Regulation 68] [ Inserted vide Employees State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950 ]
Form No: 16-A [Rule No.72(ii)] [ Inserted vide Labour Courts (Practice and Procedure) Rules 1975 ]
Form No: 17 (Regulation No. 65) Notice from Investigating Officer to Employer to affix notice of meeting of employees [ Inserted vide The Industrial Court Regulations 1975 ]
Form No: 17 [Rule No. 78 (ii)] Notice to a party for hearing an application to set aside an ex-parte order [ Inserted vide Labour Courts (Practice and Procedure) Rules 1975 ]
Form No: 17 Dependants’ or Funeral Benefit [Regulations 79 and 95C] Death Certificate [ Inserted vide Employees State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950 ]
Form No: 18 (Regulation No. 70) Receipt for Documents produced before Investigating Officer [ Inserted vide The Industrial Court Regulations 1975 ]
Form No: 18 (Regulation/Rule 80) [ Inserted vide Labour Courts (Practice and Procedure) Rules 1975 ]
Form No: 18 Dependants’ Benefit [Regulation 80] Claim Form [ Inserted vide Employees State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950 ]
Form No: 18-A [Under Regulation/Rule 82(ii)] Summons [ Inserted vide Labour Courts (Practice and Procedure) Rules 1975 ]