Hindu Marriage Act, Divorce, Maintenance, Restitution of Conjugal Rights
Showing all 17 results
Affidavit format under Section 23(2) of The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005
Affidavit to be filed with Divorce petition under Section 13(1) of Hindu Marriage Act
Affidavit to be filed with Petition for Judicial Separation under Section 10 of Hindu Marriage Act, Format
Application under Section 127(1) for modifying setting aside the order Dated
Application under the protection of women from domestic violence Act, 2005
Format of Affidavit to be filed with application for Dissolution of Muslim Marriage
Format of Affidavit to be filed with application for registration of Marriage under Hindu Marriage Act
Format of Divorce Petition under Section 13B of Hindu Marriage Act 1955 to get divorce.
Petition for decree of divorce under Section 13(1)(ia) of hindu marriage Act, 1955
Petition for decree of nullity of marriage under Section 11 of hindu marriage Act
Petition for decree of nullity of marriage under Section 12 of hindu marriage Act
Petition for judicial seperation under Section 10 of hindu marriage Act
Petition for maintenance under Section 125 of criminal procedure Code
Petition for permanent alimony and maintenance under Section 25 of hindu marriage Act, 1955
Petition under Section 9 of hindu marriage Act 1955 for restitution of conjugal Rights
Written submission format for Domestic Violence Complaint under Section 12