Miscellaneous deeds
Showing 1–50 of 123 results
Accountable Receipt
Adoption Deed
An Instrument for Purchase of a Flat in Resale where Society or Limited Company or Condominium is yet to
Another deed of reconveyance for reconveying
Award (made on reference by Court)
Award by an arbitral Tribunal
Bills of Exchange
Building Lease
Certificate of Sale
Codicil substituting a trustee
Codicil substituting a trustee appointed under Will
Confirmation of partition already made by the joint Hindu Family
Consent Terms by which Decree to Operate as a Conveyance is Passed
Creating life estate for the maintenance of the daughter in law by way of Gift
Cyber crime
Declaration of Gift of Money
Deed creating charge on the Property
Deed evidencing oral Partition
Deed for modification of the terms of the Lease
Deed in respect of leasehold Land
Deed of Apartment
Deed of a House
Deed of Assignment of Business with Goodwill and Immovable Property
Deed of Assignment of Business with Goodwill and Tenancy Rights
Deed of Cancellation
Deed of conditional Gift
Deed of Confirmation
Deed of conveyance
Deed of conveyance by Mortgagee
Deed of conveyance in favour of Mortgagee
Deed of conveyance of the Reversion
Deed of conveyance of a part of the Building
Deed of conveyance of a property exclusive of a Flat
Deed of conveyance of an interest in Property
Deed of conveyance of freehold Property
Deed of conveyance subject to Mortgagee
Deed of conveyance subject to right of Way
Deed of Dissolution of Partnership
Deed of Dissolution of Partnership Between Two Partners one of them Taking Over the Business
Deed of dissolution where one partner takes over assets and liabilities of the Business
Deed of Dissolution where the business is continued by some Partner
Deed of english mortgagee between an individual and a firm of money Lenders
Deed of Exchange of Immovable Properties
Deed of Family Arrangement
Deed of family arrangement for release of property in favour of other beneficilaries in consideration of Annuity
Deed of family settlement between rival Claimants
Deed of family settlement between the heirs of a Deceased
Deed of family settlement for division of properties left by a deceased between son and daughters where son pays money to Daughters
Deed of gift of book Debts
Deed of gift of goodwill of business trade marks by a father to two sons in Partnership